Whether you have an established affiliate marketing program or you’re just getting started, understanding the ins and outs of this superb marketing strategy is crucial to your success. In this digital age of borderless business, not taking advantage of a potential customer base in foreign markets is a mistake you
The Basics of Brand Marketing and Why It’s Important
Your relationship with your customers might be more important than you think. A recent survey shows that 81% of consumers must be able to trust a brand before they’ll purchase from it. Finding a way to build that credibility can be a challenge. Fortunately, brand marketing offers an opportunity to
Content vs. Copywriting: How to Know the Difference
Writers can serve a seemingly endless number of marketing purposes. When the required skills for two niches overlap, it can be easy to assume they’re identical. However, failing to note the distinctions between content vs. copywriting can compromise your brand’s success. Fortunately, there are a few key variations that can
4 Top Marketing Blogs You Should Be Following Right Now
When it comes to marketing your affiliate website, there’s no shortage of advice online. However, in a world where anyone can create a blog, it can be difficult to cut through the noise and find the best that the web has to offer. That’s why we’ve put together this guide
What CPA Network Should I Use? How to Decide
A quality cost-per-action (CPA) network can help bring affiliates and merchants together in lucrative relationships. However, not all networks offer the same benefits. Deciding on which one(s) will be your personal best fit can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are ways to strategically narrow down your options. By following a
How to Optimize a URL Slug (and What a URL Slug Is)
Links are the main tool used by affiliate marketers to drive conversions. However, affiliate-provided URLs can be complicated and messy. Not only can this confuse your visitors, but it might also be a wasted chance to improve your search engine optimization (SEO). Fortunately, URL slugs are an effective tool for
How to Do Affiliate Link Management (and Why You Need To)
If you’re an affiliate marketer, chances are you spend a lot of time promoting your sponsored links. While this process might be simple with two or three URLs, that number is likely to grow as your brand succeeds. Finding a way to monitor multiple links efficiently can be daunting. Fortunately,
How to Conduct Keyword Research for Your Affiliate Website
Keyword research is the process of looking for common search terms that people in your target audience are typing into search engines. This is a very important aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) because it helps your website reach ideal customers who are already interested in the products or services
The Best Retargeting Platforms of 2021
A recent study found that 84.27% of visitors leave a site without making a purchase. If you want to recover those interested shoppers, retargeting can be an effective tactic. However, knowing which platform will best help you capitalize on customer curiosity isn’t always clear. Fortunately, we’ve rounded up three top-notch
A Comprehensive Guide on the Amazon Affiliate Program
Amazon has an inventory of nearly 12 million items across various categories and services – from automotive, home, electronics, you name it! Every hour that passes, Amazon makes an average of $17 million in sales, leading to their 2020 net revenue of approximately $386.06 billion. Although, Amazon isn’t the only